Siegward Sprotte Stiftung
c / o Kanzlei Gabriel
Bleibtreustraße 12A
10623 Berlin, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)30 – 8867 8320
Email: in**@sp**************.de
Web: www.sprotte-stiftung.de
Foundation Commitee:
Matthias Platzeck
Wieland Eschenburg
Armin Sprotte
The Siegward Sprotte Foundation is recognized as a charitable foundation by the fiscal office in Potsdam, Germany. The foundation pursues exclusively charitable aims as per the Internal Revenue Code.
The Siegward Sprotte Foundation is constrained to always display and update the right current information on this website.
Changes on the site can happen without notice. Despite this, the Sprotte Foundation cannot be responsible nor liable for the correctness, the completeness, the actuality of this site. Despite careful control of the content, the Sprotte Foundation is not liable for the content of external links. For the content of external links the liability and responsibility lies with the company / owner of the links.
About This Site
COPYRIGHT LAWS Images, text, software, documentation, electronic text and image files, audio and video files and clips, and other materials on the Sprotte Foundation Website are protected by copyright laws and may be covered by other restrictions as well. Rosemarie Sprotte and the Sprotte Foundation retain all rights they may hold.
Webdesign and development:
Brandzocial GmbH, Hamburg